The Hitchhiker's Guide to Blogging.

Since Bob is so terribly depressed about his blog, I will share SOME stuff he needs to know to blog. (not all, I still want to be better :D)

First things first (duh *drumbeat*) those handy little tabs when you are editing are: Posting::New Posts:Edit Posts:Comment Moderation. These are pretty straight forward. All you posting needs there. P.S. If you stop typing for a while, or press Crtl+S, your post will save. Do this often, just in case.

Settings(there is a lot, so the most important)::Basic:Publishing:Formatting:Publishing. Basic is for editing all the basic stuff, like title, and description. Publishing is to edit where you post to, (to change to domain name) Formatting is to edit how you blog IS. Like the date on the header, (you'll see it says Dec. 26 above my post, that is the header) archives, stuff like that. And Publishing. You can add more authors here, and decide who can see your blog. (for those paranoid creeps) P.S. If you are logged in, and have QuickEdit enabled, you can edit your posts and Gadgets with ease.

Layout::Page Elements:Fonts and Colors:Edit HTML:Pick New Template. These are pretty straightforward too. Page elements is for editing and re arranging the page layout. Fonts And Colors decides the fonts and... colors. Edit HTML lets you, well you get the point.

Monetize is for those who have an Adsense account, it lets you decide where to put your ads.

Now onto the bar for posts. To the far left is for changing the font. Like I am doing right now.

Now, next to that is font SIZE.

Beside that, is bold, and Italic. This is useful for stressing points, and just for fun.

Next is text color! Things always look better in color!

Links, the thing bob really wants to know about. To add a link, highlight some text, and click link,

then paste in a URL. You must get the URL first though.

The rest are for making lists, and stuff like that. Add an image, by copying the image location

(right click, select Copy Image Loaction) to the box available.

That is basically it. I know a little more stuff, But I have to, to be better than Bob!

Ciao for Now!

Sorry for the size, I can't seem to fix it.

Posted by Forten042 | at 12:47 PM | 1 Guys talking about me

Mother 4 the win

While surfing around the web, I have found something that has interested me greatly. Because of the quote Itoi said "What I mean is, if someone were to come up to me and say, “I’d like to make a MOTHER 4,” I might just say, “Sure, go ahead!” (laugh) Yeah, if there was a MOTHER 4, I’d really love to play it." They are technically legally allowed to make it, so it is fine.

I wish I could join this fan game, I have some weird ideas to add, but maybe I'll just submit some. (Like Undead Toaster, or Bad Comedian) Some random names would add a good humor to the already unappreciated Mother series. I'll give it to bob for Christmas just to bug him. But the sad thing is, that the crew is small, and it will take a while. So hopefully it is out before next, next Christmas.

Anyway... The time off has been good, beat those games I wanted to, had some fun with (virtual) friends, learned a bit about technology, all that good stuff. Oh, and I got excited for a new game. It looks interesting, but again, has no release date.

And for all the Mother 4 Goodness you don't care about, but I do, and this is my blog so I will post it anyway, go to this link. I hope you all have a merry Christmas, and a happy new year.

Ciao For Now!

P.S. mother pwns

Posted by Forten042 | at 11:00 AM | 1 Guys talking about me

OMG, I missed one!

If you actually pay attention to my memes every day, you may have noticed that on Saturday, it was never updated. But thanks to my handy little thing over there, over there, OVER THERE>>>
( finally, took you long enough) I can keep up to date with all the missed work.

As I said earlier, it is not easy to update on the weekend. So sometimes I don't even get to do my meme of the day. So don't expect one on Christmas! Or Hannakuh. Nah I'm kidding, I'll be that nice, considering I'm not Jewish. (well, technically I'm not christian either, but...)

On Monday Bob missed a lot. He was out at some presentation thing or something I think. Whatever.
I enjoyed being a good person again today, doing all the normal things that I do, you know push in chairs, and all that stuff. I also learned how to type without looking at the keyboard, it takes a bit longer, but if I force myself to do it, I may soon learn the layout of the keyboard well enough to be able to see real time what is happening on Kongregate. I am doing this right now as much as I can actually.

Anyway, Mr Bauckman is one of the teachers whom I feel the worst for, considering half of his class does not care for the fun stuff he wants to do with us. And sometimes the people in his class just step on the last strand of my temper.

Yes, I do have a temper threshold, but it is pretty high. The class is pretty annoying. I can only stand so much before I have to start meditating, and find my happy place. I don't like getting angry, just like Hulk, you won't like me when I am angry. Don't get me wrong, I won't hurt anyone, (pacifism FTW) but get REALLY loud, and much harsher than normal.

Prominence did her speech on Monday, speaking about her online friend from Romania. She seems to like him. But on the off chance that he is a 47-year old fat guy from the Mexico, and has H1N1, I will still be here. You know how online relationships work. Along with my above average hearing, to make up for the fact that my eyesight is slightly below normal, I have discovered that he is either good at Photoshopping, or really hot. this is disappointing. But still, life goes on...

The Office is quite an interesting show. I am glad that I can now type and watch it at the same time. It has some (ahem) mature themes though. So I don't think all should watch it.

I wish that the world didn't have as much war. (yes, I am going to get into another talk about current affairs) I know that some people are way too stubborn to listen to reason, and violence is the only way, but still. War is war. It should not be the only solution. Like, the war in Baghdad went on for quite a while. And now there is a war in Afghanistan. Who knows how long this could happen for. And we are fighting a "war" against H1N1.

Prominence on Tuesday was asking to give me a make-over. She said that she could give me better clothes, (Pfff) and a good haircut. (*she's as bad as Mrs. Muise) I don't think that it is a very good idea to let her do this to me. It could be fun, yet bizarre.

A girl in our class, lets call her... Pixilated. (no, that is not her real name...) she tried to record the underwear color of everyone in the class. Of course, being me, I told her, but was slightly puzzled as to why I did. I probably do not want to know what this information is going to be used for.

Yesterday we had a substitute again. He looked cool, so I asked him if he had ever watched the coolest show ever, which is of course The Office. He said yes, surprising me quite a bit. I'm sure that he thought it was awesome.

Whew, that was quite a long post for only two days. And I had to edit like, 5 jot notes right now. So I guess I did pretty well. I took like half an hour though. Well, guess that is it for today.

Oh, wait! I should tell you about the idea I got for our co-op blog, if it ever happens. I said current affairs, considering I talked about them in the last two posts. Bob will say maybe I bet. Okay, now bye!

P.S this video rules! It keeps getting stuck in my head.
(Raindrops keep falling on my head. Not another rickroll)

P.P.S you remember when I said that I would post the link for the zombie attack video a while ago? well, I don't think it is ever coming! Sorry for that one viewer who cared, but, at least I remembered!

*sometimes I think I hear Ms. Muise say, okay, all the good flutes go practice now! and I'm like

Ciao for now!

Posted by Forten042 | at 5:34 PM | 0 Guys talking about me

Ooooh, Ahhhh, Pretty Blog!

As I hope you have noticed, I have a new blog template. It is much prettier than my old one. If you have not, then please drive yourself to your nearest ophthalmologist (eye doctor) and get your eyes checked. I'll wait.

Okay, no more waiting. Now before you panic, (hands Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and points at cover) no, this may not be a permanent change. It will depend on the outcome of my poll. ( I hope they say yes) I had to look into several different templates before deciding on this one. I liked the fact that it was black, yet appealed to my love of all things science fiction (not sci-fi bob)

I came up with the idea to switch when Sean told me to do something productive. This seemed productive enough. I suppose that I could have recorded those BK glitches that I always wanted to, but that shall be for later I guess. Maybe after I finish this post. (Banjo Kazooie for those non-die hard Rare fans out there; Yes Bob, I'm looking at you)

Ho hum... Well while I am here, I guess that I should speak about the recent uprise in jobs in America. (wow, never thought this would happen) Obama has recently increased the jobs available in America. The unemployment has gone from 10.2% to a solid 10%. While this measly 0.2% may not seem like much, this is for ALL of America. That means a lot of new jobs were created.

So if you are that one viewer in America, Good for you! If you are young like me, then good for your parents! If your parents are dead, then good for your guardian! If you are an orphan who was abandoned by his family, but then stole a computer, which he brought to jail to check my blog every couple days, then life probably couldn't get any worse for you!

The only bad thing about the unemployment rate, is that is is more likely to get much worse in 2010. (and 2013, when like 500 people kill themselves on December 20, 2012) But good news is good news! And with all the recent murders and rapes, good news is exactly what we want.

P.S to jailbird: Wait until the gaurds figure out you can hack into the mainframe of the jail cell. Then life will be worse for me and you. You will be dead, and (more importantly) I will have one less viewer! *frowns*

P.P.S: Never Bob. I will never tell you how to edit your blog. Unless you bow down and gravel at my feet. Just kidding. But I still won't tell you probably. MWAHAHAHA!

Oh, and by the way , IMM will be an international thing one day. I'll get Bob to join next year. Maybe even the infamous Seanthebond...

Well, Ciao for now!

Posted by Forten042 | at 12:20 PM | 2 Guys talking about me

Google Spike!

Strange, ever since Google added me, I have been getting a lot of views, and for a long time too. (about 3.5 minutes) Like this week only, I have gotten 32 visits! 70 page views. That is a pretty massive spike, so much in fact, I think that I might put an Adsense account up after a few months.

And after checking Digg, I can confirm that I was not dugg, so it must be Google! I mean, watching a documentary on Google, I know what it can do to companies, but I did not believe it would happen to me. It is so strange. I suppose that there could be other possible things, but I think it is Google.

With a full week under my belt, I only gets harder from here on in for IMM. Because unfortunately, It is not as easy as I planned for it to be. But videos on Youtube will always cheer me up. Like these two (uno) et (doux) And #1 involves an internet meme.

So... that's whats been going on around here lately.

P.S check here for the stats

P.P.S if that doesn't work, check the bottom of the page.

P.P.P.S Wowzers, I have so many links, I look like a Wikipedia page. Epic Fail.

P.P.P.P.S I like P.S's!

P.P.P.P.P.S Don't eat dogs either! (see last post)

Oh BTW, our old school is getting Terry Kelly. (see Remembrance Day post) We are sooo skipping that day to check him out. (Not that way you pervert)

Posted by Forten042 | at 11:11 AM | 0 Guys talking about me

Yeah, Google Likes Me.

I have been checking around my Sitemeter account, and noticed that I have gotten a visit from some one in Europe. More specifically someone who runs on a Google provider. So, I don't know if Google actually provides any Internet or not (maybe the new Droid) but it is odd, considering I don't know who it i- never mind. I am guessing that it is most likely my brother's friend. This is awesome. And apparently it runs on a Mac. Odd...

Anyway, as you should know by now, IMM is in full swing. Luckily, I have two weeks in advance marked out on my calender, finally giving me a chance to use it. So stay tuned to my blog everyday for the memes. (also digg me if you can, it will boost my viewers)

Prominence is giving me a hug almost every day now. It is kinda creepy. But yet somewhat sweet.

Also today, I stood by a kid who everyone picks on. I felt bad for him, so I decided to be his bodyguard for the day. Protecting him from the idiots who feel they have to make someone else feel bad, to make themselves feel better. Because most of the time, this is why bullying happens. Now I could go on about the effects of bullying, and all that stuff, but I then would feel that I would lose the 2 viewers I still get. So not now. Check here if you want to know. ( I suggest you do, it is pretty interesting)

Anyway, today Bob insulted me about how IMM is not hard, saying that he found 30 in 15 minutes. This is because he of course looked at a list of memes, (which I have yet to do) and picked out the best 30. I have two weeks already, FROM MEMORY! Yeah. Pwned.

So... don't eat cats. That is my healthy tip of the week. (or month, or year, or eon, or decade, or century, or millennium, or... whatever is after that)

And Another Thing... We have to do this speech for Language Arts, so I decided to do it on a cousin of mine; the great, almighty Winston Churchill (who's name is also so commonly used, it is programmed into Spellcheck, while bizarrely, Spellcheck itself is not)

This concludes my broadcast. Ciao for now. I have to go, considering I just thought of two more memes.

P.S: check out here for a funny video. The scout's muscles remind me of what I say to mine. :D

Posted by Forten042 | at 1:44 PM | 0 Guys talking about me

*inserts meme-related title here*

Before I forget, I have been watching The Office, (yes, for you bob) and the main character decides to sign up for an online dating site, but he needs a username, so he decides on "littlekidlover." Saying it is short, and to the point. There is also this guy who reminds me of Devon at school, who calls one of the secondary characters Mr. Poop instead of Mr.Schrute. The Office is awesome.

Now onto our regularly scheduled post...

I decided to write a contract for our PDR teacher, on the account of most of our class being an very *cough* male donkey-like *cough* towards him. They do not pay attention, disrupt, and speak out. So he deserves something like this. The contract in a nut shell says this: We will obey *censored*. We will do all that he commands. As long as he does the fun stuff he used to do. Like the bomb shelter activity. When I showed him the contract, it almost made him cry. (I can tell, I sit up front) So that should boost my self-esteem for a while. It caused us to finally have an okay PDR class. Except the delinquents did not sign it. But whatever.

(*final fantasy 3 fanfare plays* Forten gains a Karma level!)

Bob said on his blog that NaNoWriMo is harder than IMM (Internet Meme Month) when it is about the same difficulty, to find 30 different (none on Christmas of course!) memes, and post them up. It is very difficult though.

Prominence is very interesting. She says that she likes violence. I find this quite strange, but not unusual. I have to live with differences I guess.

And for Sean, my ping is now at a respectable B. I can play as much TF2 as I wish when I get unbanned! (As long as it stays this way)
Well, Ciao for now!

Posted by Forten042 | at 5:27 PM | 1 Guys talking about me

Life My Way.

I recently have been trying to boost up my Karma. Of course with any good thing that I do, Bob has to overdo it, (punk) saying that he needs "points" for spending. This was of course is based a joke I made a couple days ago. He thought it was funny, and decided to continue wearing it out throughout the week. Of course, I have been giving Prominence (the name she has, and shall stay as) gifts lately, on account of just feeling like it. Bob gives me these gifts in the first place, but I don't like lollipops really.

As I hope you have noticed, Internet Meme Month is in the beginning stages. I shall try to get 30 Internet Memes in one month. This might be hard, on the account I only know like, 17. But like NaNoWriMo, It must be done. (well not must be done) I have had two images so far, and the month is only starting. So please check in everyday for a new image. ( I'll try my best on weekends)

So a little more about the collaboration blog that Bob and I might do, on account of the fact that we have little ideas, we most likely will postpone this activity. That does not mean we won't do it! It just means that we cannot think of what to do it on. So whenever Bob or I gets an idea, you (all one of you) will be the first to hear about it. I have come up with doing a review blog, but I don't think Bob will agree to this unfortunately.

Just FYI Bob, the first unwritten rule of good deeds, is you do good deeds because they are good, not because you feel you have to. DUH!

Hmmmph short post today, Oh well. Better run before Catherine catches me.

Posted by Forten042 | at 2:28 PM | 1 Guys talking about me